Saturday, December 14, 2013

ucapan natal dalam arti indonesia

ucapan selamat natal

Iman membuat segala sesuatu mungkin,
Harapan membuat segala sesuatu bekerja,
Cinta membuat segala sesuatu indah,
Semoga Anda memiliki semua tiga untuk Natal ini.

Jadilah lilin. Menjadi cahaya. Jadilah binar dalam gelap. Jadilah inspirasi & membuat perbedaan besar dalam hati lain! Selamat Natal.

Semoga waktu yang baik n harta hadir bcome kenangan emas besok. Berharap u banyak cinta, sukacita, kebahagiaan. Selamat x-mas.

Merry Christmas!
Harapan Yesus Love & Peace Always Be With U 'n Family Through Ini Indah Xmas ~

Semoga kerendahan hati dan kesederhanaan Kristus menginspirasi kita dalam menjalani kehidupan Kristen kita. Merry christmas

Selamat Natal. Semoga Tuhan menyertai kita dan dalam hati kita selalu n pernah.

Semoga kerendahan hati dan kesederhanaan Kristus menginspirasi kita dalam menjalani kehidupan Kristen kita. Merry christmas

Selamat Natal, saya berharap Tuhan akan terus u ketat, n malaikat akan menjaga u di depan mata, for u 2 memiliki semua yang terbaik.

Ini Pohon XMas hanya untuk Anda. Ini membawa dengan itu HARAPAN, JOY, LOVE & Perdamaian. Merry X Mas.

Teman yang terhormat, sebelum holly Santa Claus mengetuk pintu Anda, pls memungkinkan saya untuk menjadi orang pertama yang mengucapkan "A MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR" GOD BLESS YOU DAN KELUARGA ANDA.

Aku mencintaimu, Kau mencintaiku, Kami sebuah keluarga bahagia, dengan pelukan besar besar, dan ciuman dari saya untuk Anda, tidak akan Anda katakan kau mencintaiku JUGA! Aku mencintaimu, Kau mencintaiku, Kami teman terbaik seperti teman-teman harus, Dengan pelukan besar besar, dan ciuman dari saya untuk Anda, Maukah Anda mengatakan kau mencintaiku juga Melli Melli KLISMAS & Heppi Niu Year untuk ANDA >: D <

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Semoga Anda dan kesehatan keluarga yang baik, kebahagiaan, kemakmuran dan sukacita!

Merry Christmas n Happy New Year kepada Anda n keluarga Anda. Semoga semangat membawa Anda sukacita n kebahagiaan, n berharap Anda semua yang terbaik untuk tahun mendatang!

Semoga waktu yang baik n harta hadir bcome kenangan emas besok. Berharap u banyak cinta, sukacita, kebahagiaan. Selamat x-mas.

Aku mungkin tidak CU rite now,
Tapi Messages menunjukkan bahwa saya ingat U.
Selamat hari Natal kepada kalian semua.

Hari begitu cepat!
Jadi saya ingin menjadi 1st 2 mengatakan "MERRY CHRISTMAS".
Do u tahu apa Natal adalah?
Ini: Kristus Telah Bangkit Meski Paling Pengorbanan Merugikan, memiliki Natal yang besar.

B-Egin dengan
L-ove in CHRIST
E-Xpect berkat
S-hare goodness
S-hine seperti matahari
l-Nspire orang
N-pernah lupa bahwa
G-OD selalu dengan u.

lagu blue christmast

arti lagu blue christmast

Aku akan memiliki Natal biru tanpa Anda Aku akan berpikir begitu biru tentang Anda Pernak-pernik merah pada pohon Natal hijau Tidak akan sama jika Anda tidak di sini bersamaku Dan ketika orang-kepingan salju biru mulai Fallin 'Dan ketika mereka melodi biru mulai menelepon 'Anda akan lakukan' baik-baik saja dengan Natal putih Tapi aku akan memiliki biru biru biru biru Pernak-pernik Natal merah di pohon Natal hijau tidak akan berarti apa-apa, jika Anda tidak di sini dengan saya, saya akan memiliki Natal biru yang tertentu Dan ketika itu sakit hati biru mulai menyakiti 'Anda akan lakukan' baik-baik saja, dengan Natal putih, Tapi aku akan memiliki biru, biru Natal

arti hari paskah

Paskah (bahasa Latin: Páscha, bahasa Yunani: Πάσχα, Paskha; bahasa Aram: פַּסחאPasḥa; dari bahasa Ibrani: פֶּסַח Pesaḥ[1]) adalah perayaan terpenting dalam tahun liturgi gerejawi Kristen. Bagi umat Kristen, Paskah identik dengan Yesus, yang oleh Paulus disebut sebagai "anak domba Paskah"; jemaat Kristen hingga saat ini percaya bahwa Yesus disalibkan, mati dan dikuburkan[a], dan pada hari yang ketiga[b] bangkit dari antara orang mati. Paskah merayakan hari kebangkitan tersebut dan merupakan perayaan yang terpenting karena memperingati peristiwa yang paling sakral dalam hidup Yesus, seperti yang tercatat di dalam keempat Injil di Perjanjian Baru. Perayaan ini juga dinamakan Minggu Paskah, Hari Kebangkitan, atau Minggu Kebangkitan.
Paskah juga merujuk pada masa di dalam kalender gereja yang disebut masa Paskah, yaitu masa yang dirayakan dulu selama empat puluh hari sejak Minggu Paskah (puncak dari Pekan Suci) hingga hari Kenaikan Yesus namun sekarang masa tersebut diperpanjang hingga lima puluh hari, yaitu sampai dengan hari Pentakosta (yang artinya "hari kelima puluh" - hari ke-50 setelah Paskah, terjadi peristiwa turunnya Roh Kudus). Minggu pertama di dalam masa Paskah dinamakan Oktaf Paskah oleh Gereja Katolik Roma. Hari Paskah juga mengakhiri perayaan Pra-Paskah yang dimulai sejak empat puluh hari sebelum Kamis Putih, yaitu masa-masa berdoa, penyesalan, dan persiapan berkabung.
Paskah merupakan salah satu hari raya yang berubah-ubah tanggalnya (dalam kekristenan disebut dengan perayaan yang berpindah[2]) karena disesuaikan dengan hari tertentu (dalam hal ini hari Minggu), bukan tanggal tertentu di dalam kalender sipil. Hari raya-hari raya Kristen lainnya tanggalnya disesuaikan dengan hari Paskah tersebut dengan menggunakan sebuah formula kompleks. Paskah biasanya dirayakan antara akhir bulan Maret hingga akhir bulan April (kekristenan ritus Barat) atau awal bulan April hingga awal bulan Mei (kekristenan ritus Timur) setiap tahunnya, tergantung kepada siklus bulan. Setelah ratusan tahun gereja-gereja tidak mencapai suatu kesepakatan, saat ini semua gereja telah menerima perhitungan Gereja Aleksandria (sekarang disebut Gereja Koptik) yang menentukan bahwa hari Paskah jatuh pada hari Minggu pertama setelah Bulan Purnama Paskah, yaitu bulan purnama pertama yang hari keempat belasnya ("bulan purnama" gerejawi) jatuh pada atau setelah 21 Maret (titik Musim Semi Matahari/vernal equinox gerejawi)
Minggu Paskah bukan perayaan yang sama (namun masih berhubungan) dengan Paskah Yahudi (bahasa Ibrani: פסח atau Pesakh[1])[3][c] dalam hal simbolisme dan juga penanggalannya. Bahasa Indonesia tidak memiliki istilah yang berbeda untuk Paskah Pesakh (Yahudi) dan Paskah Paskha (Kristen) sebagaimana beberapa bahasa Eropa yang mempunyai dua istilah yang berbeda, oleh sebab itu kata Paskah dapat memiliki dua arti yang berbeda di dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Banyak elemen budaya, termasuk kelinci Paskah, telur Paskah, dan mengirim kartu Paskah telah menjadi bagian dari perayaan Paskah modern, dan elemen-elemen tersebut biasa dirayakan oleh umat Kristen maupun non-Kristen.

arti lag valentie

arti lagu valentine

Jika tidak ada kata-kata tidak ada cara untuk berbicara saya masih akan mendengar Anda jika tidak ada air mata tidak ada cara untuk merasa di dalam aku masih merasa untuk Anda

 dan bahkan jika matahari menolak untuk bersinar bahkan jika asmara kehabisan sajak Anda wuld masih memiliki hatiku sampai akhir waktu Anda semua yang saya butuhkan, cintaku, Valentine saya.
semua hidup saya, saya telah menunggu untuk semua yang Anda berikan kepada saya Anda telah membuka mata saya dan menunjukkan kepada saya bagaimana mengasihi tanpa mementingkan diri sendiri 

Saya sudah memimpikan ini ribuan kali sebelumnya dalam mimpi saya, saya tidak bisa mencintaimu lebih saya akan memberikan hatiku sampai akhir waktu Anda semua yang saya butuhkan, cintaku, my Valentine

dan bahkan jika matahari menolak untuk bersinar bahkan jika asmara kehabisan sajak Anda masih akan memiliki hatiku sampai akhir waktu karena semua saya butuhkan adalah Anda, my Valentine Anda semua yang saya butuhkan, cintaku, my Valentine


Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy easter

Happy Eaters, Nutritionist North London

 Welcome to Happy Eaters.  I am  mum of three who firmly believes that mealtimes should be a positive family experience.  I am also  a Registered Nutritionist  North London and  an ex NHS Dietitian.
Some of my clients need help with a picky eater or fussy eater in the family,  or want advice about weaning their baby onto solid food.   I regularly run weaning workshops at your home or mine in Central Crouch End.   I also run other workshops – see the workshops section  for details.
Others contact me for help to lose weight or are concerned about their own diet.  It isn’t always easy to look after yourself when you have a family to look after and  sometimes we all need pointing in the right direction!  My approach is practical, non-judgmental  and empowering, whether you want to lose a few pounds or more, or simply want to establish a better relationship with food.  
Learning to cook is such a great life skill and I particularly love cooking with groups of children!  Kids can learn so much in the kitchen by weighing ingredients,  understanding the science of food  and discussing ‘healthy eating’.  Body image. Diet and food are so important and proper knowledge is vital to encourage a healthy relationship with food.   I have lots of dates available for cooking workshops over the summer holidays but spaces are going fast – find out more information here and give me a call to book!
happy eating everyone!

Selamat ulang tahun 
Ingin saja ku berikan
Segala yang kau impikan
Mimpi yang sering kau katakan
Namun ku punya batasan
Kau teristimewa
Kaulah penyeri dunia
Engkaulah segalanya bagiku
Ku tak punya wang berjuta
Apatah lagi istana
Untuk jadikan hadiah
Agar kau rasa berharga
Ini saja yang ku mahu
Sebuah lagu khas untukmu
Ku harap engkau kan suka
Lirik lagu ulang tahun

Panjang umurnya, panjang umurnya
Panjang umurnya serta mulia
Serta mulia, serta mulia

Ulang Tahun

Panjang umurnya, panjang umurnya
Panjang umurnya serta mulia
Serta mulia, serta mulia

Selamat ulang tahun kami ucapkan
Selamat panjang umur kita kan doakan
Selamat sejahtera sehat sentosa
Selamat panjang umur dan bahagia

Selamat ulang tahun kami ucapkan
Selamat panjang umur kita kan doakan
Selamat sejahtera sehat sentosa
Selamat panjang umur dan bahagia
Selamat panjang umur dan bahagia

lagu rohani


Selain Kau tiada yang lain
Ada padaku di Surga
Selain Kau tiada yang lain
Yang kuingini dibumi 2 X

Sekalipun dagingku dan hatiku
Habis lenyap… Gunung batuku
Dan bagianku tetaplah
Allah selama lamanya.
Card love

Bila cinta kini tak lagi bermakna
yang kurasakan kini hanyalah nestapa
ditinggalkan cinta masa lalu

dulu kau tawarkan manisnya janjimu
dan ku sambut itu dengan segenap hatiku
hingga engkau pergi tinggalkan ku

hilangnya cintamu menusuk hatiku
hingga ku memilih cinta yang fana

perginya dirimu merobek jantungku
hingga ku terjatuh dalam harapan

kusebut namamu di setiap doaku
bangkitkan setia kenangan tentangmu
yang ku dapat hanyalah bayanganmu

Kubawakan Cinta
lagu valentine

Jim Brickman (featuring Martina McBride)


If there were no words, no way to speak, I would still hear you
If there were no tears, no way to feel inside, I'd still feel you

And even if the sun refused to shine
Even if romance ran out of rhyme
You would still have my heart until the end of time
You're all I need, my love, my valentine

ALl of my life I have been waiting for all you give to me
You've opened my eyes and shown me how to love unselfishly

I've dreamed of this a thousand times before
In my dreams I couldn't love you more
I will give you my heart until the end of time
You're all I need, my love, my valentine

And even if the sun refused to shine
Even if romance ran out of rhyme
You would still have my haert until the end of time
'Cause all I need is you, my valentine
You're all I need, my love, my valentine

Happy new year 

            Kado Spesial

  • Only open HEARTS receive LOVE only open MINDS receive WISDOM only open HANDS receive GIFTS and.. only SPECIAL FRIENDS receive my Happy New Year greeting .
  • let sun bring you hope let stars bring you rightness let love bring you happiness let my message bring you the dream come true happy new year 2013 wish you all the best
  • 2 U & UR FAMILY GOD BLESS B-egin with L-ove in CHRIST E-xpect blessing S-hare goodness S-hine like the sun l-nspire everybody N-ever forget that G-OD is with u always Happy New Year 2013.
  • Wishing u SUNLIGHT in u’r heart SUCCESS in u’r path ANSWERS to u’r prayers.. HAPPINESS in u’r life.. SMILE in u’r face.. Happy New Year 2013.
  • FAITH makes all things possible, HOPE makes all things work, LOVE makes all things beautiful. May you have all three in this New Year 2013
  • Happy New Year to you n your family. May the spirit brings you joy n happiness, n wish you all the best for the coming  2013 year!
  • Simple music can make U sing. Simple hug makes U feel better. Simple things can make U happy. Hope my Simple Merry XMas & Happy New Year will make U smile
  • May the peace and love of God fill each day of your life and light your way through the New Year. Wishing you and your family His Blessing always. Merry Christmas 2012and Happy NEw Year 2013.
  • SMiLE-it makes U look nice! PRAY-it makes U stronger! GIVE-it makes U richer! LOVE-it makes U know life!.
  • Happy New Year 2013. May this new year bring us a new spirit to reach all your dreams, good health and a happiness forever…
  • Happy New Year 2013, a new beginning for a better life. GBU ABUNDANTLY!.
  • No regret about the past… No fear about the future… New hopes & dreams in 2013… Thankful to God for His blessings in 2013… Happy New Year !!.
  • - See more at:

    Valentin days
    Love looks not with
    the eyes
    with the mind
    therefore is
    winged cupid painted
    blind … :)
    ~ shakespare ~

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    - See more at:
    Love looks not with
    the eyes
    with the mind
    therefore is
    winged cupid painted
    blind … :)
    ~ shakespare ~

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    - See more at:
    Love looks not with
    the eyes
    with the mind
    therefore is
    winged cupid painted
    blind … :)
    ~ shakespare ~

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    - See more at:
    Love looks not with
    the eyes
    with the mind
    therefore is
    winged cupid painted
    blind … :)
    ~ shakespare ~

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    - See more at:

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.
    Love Is A Driver
    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,
    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)
    Love filled Valentine Month..!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs
    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!! 
    No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know

    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day.

    Love looks not with
    the eyes
    with the mind and
    therefore is
    winged cupid painted
    blind … :)
    ~ shakespare ~
    Love looks not with
    the eyes
    with the mind
    therefore is
    winged cupid painted
    blind … :)
    ~ shakespare ~

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    - See more at:

    Love looks not with
    the eyes
    with the mind
    therefore is
    winged cupid painted
    blind … :)
    ~ shakespare ~

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    - See more at:

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day - See more at:
    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day - See more at:

    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day - See more at:
    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day - See more at:
    Love is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to
    play by the rules,
    then you must forget the
    rules and lay from your heart.


    Love Is A Driver …

    Bitter And Fierce
    If You Fight And
    Resist Him,

    Once You
    Acknowledge His
    Power . . . :)

    Love filled Valentine Month..!!
    Its d Month of
    Proposals n Dates,
    Chocolates n Gifts,
    Hugs n LuvSongs

    It’s feb..

    Wishng u a Love filled
    Valentine Month..!!

    No poems no fancy words
    I just want the world to know
    that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day - See more at:

    lagu natal

    Blue Christmas

    I’ll have a blue Christmas without you
    I’ll be so blue thinking about you
    Decorations of red
    On a green Christmas tree
    Won’t be the same
    If you’re not here with me

    And when those blue snow flakes start falling
    And when those blue memories start falling
    You’ll be doing all right with your Christmas of white
    But I’ll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

    Decorations of red
    On a green Christmas tree
    Oh, won’t be the same
    If you’re not here with me

    I’ll have a blue Christmas, that’s certain
    And when that blue heartache starts hurting
    You’ll be doing all right
    With your Christmas of white
    But I’ll have a blue, blue Christmas

    Faith makes all things possible,
    Hope makes all things work,
    Love makes all things beautiful,
    May you have all the three for this Christmas.

    Be a candle. Be a light. Be a twinkle in the dark. Be an inspiration & make a big difference in other’s heart! Merry Christmas.

    May the good times n treasures of present bcome the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish u lots of love, joy, happiness. Merry x-mas.

    Merry Christmas!
    Hope Jesus’ Love & Peace Always Be With U ‘n Family Through This Wonderful Xmas ~

    May Christ’s humility and simplicity inspire us in living our christian life. Merry christmas

    Merry Christmas. May God be with us and in our heart always n ever.

    May Christ’s humility and simplicity inspire us in living our christian life. Merry christmas

    Merry Christmas, i wish God would hold u tight, n angels would keep u in sight, for u 2 have all the best.

    This XMas Tree just for you. It brings with it HOPE, JOY, LOVE & Peace. Merry X Mas.

    Dear friend, before the holly Santa Claus knock at your door, pls allow me to be the first person to wish you “A MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR” GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

    I love you, You love me, We’re a happy family, with a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you, Won’t you say you love me TOO! I love you, You love me, We’re best friends like friends should be, With a great big hug, And a kiss from me to you, Won’t you say you love me too Melli Melli KLISMAS & Heppi Niu Year to YOU >:D<

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Wishing you and family good health, happiness, prosperity and joy!

    Merry Christmas n Happy New Year to you n your family. May the spirit brings you joy n happiness, n wish you all the best for the coming year!

    May the good times n treasures of present bcome the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish u lots of love, joy, happiness. Merry x-mas.

    I may not C U rite now,
    But Messages show that I remember U.
    Merry Christmas to all of you.

    Days are so fast!
    So i wanna be the 1st 2 say “MERRY CHRISTMAS”.
    Do u know what Christmas is?
    It’s : Christ Has Risen In Spite The Most Adverse Sacrifices, have a great Christmas.

    B-egin with
    L-ove in CHRIST
    E-xpect blessing
    S-hare goodness
    S-hine like the sun
    l-nspire everybody
    N-ever forget that
    G-OD is always with u.

    I am sorry for being late in sending you a very best wishes of Christmas. But i believe that Jesus Christ who was born newly in our heart, never be late in giving His blessings and graces to each of us especially to you who love and serve HIM. MERRY CHRISTMAS

    I wish you for an unforgetable X-Mas this year ~ May its spirit be your truly Graceful Guidance to reach love and dreams. Merry Christmas

    “May the light of X’mas that comes, wipe all the darkness and sadness away, and bringing joy, hope, love and happiness”. Have a very blesssed X’mas….

    Today 24 dec, tomorrow 25 dec. Days are so fast! so i wanna be the 1st 2 say “MERRY CHRISTMAS”

    Do u know what Christmas is? It’s Simple : Christ Has Risen In Spite The Most Adverse Sacrifices, have a great Christmas..