Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy easter

Happy Eaters, Nutritionist North London

 Welcome to Happy Eaters.  I am  mum of three who firmly believes that mealtimes should be a positive family experience.  I am also  a Registered Nutritionist  North London and  an ex NHS Dietitian.
Some of my clients need help with a picky eater or fussy eater in the family,  or want advice about weaning their baby onto solid food.   I regularly run weaning workshops at your home or mine in Central Crouch End.   I also run other workshops – see the workshops section  for details.
Others contact me for help to lose weight or are concerned about their own diet.  It isn’t always easy to look after yourself when you have a family to look after and  sometimes we all need pointing in the right direction!  My approach is practical, non-judgmental  and empowering, whether you want to lose a few pounds or more, or simply want to establish a better relationship with food.  
Learning to cook is such a great life skill and I particularly love cooking with groups of children!  Kids can learn so much in the kitchen by weighing ingredients,  understanding the science of food  and discussing ‘healthy eating’.  Body image. Diet and food are so important and proper knowledge is vital to encourage a healthy relationship with food.   I have lots of dates available for cooking workshops over the summer holidays but spaces are going fast – find out more information here and give me a call to book!
happy eating everyone!

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